I believe that every business should have an attractive eye-catching brand. That is why I've developed a process to help promote these brands and create a memorable experience for the user.

My Process Includes

Extensive user research

Starting with the highest impact areas of the site, and focusing on main business goals I am able to find the drop-offs in retaining users and identifying where users are experiencing friction in the experience or frustration from errors and bugs.

Problem Identification

Once I identify how particular segments of users move through your site, I can begin to develop better paths for these users to take in order to help the user make better informed decisions increasing the value of each interaction with the site.

Build Solutions

Just having the data and problems isn't enough. Creating solutions that optimize your user journey not only helps your business meet its objectives, but helps your clients have the best experience possible on your site.

Track Results

I report on the measurable impact and how it contributes to improvement of the user journey, and ultimately your business objectives.

See how it all comes together