CTA Change
Project Description
PROBLEM:Users were not always interested in requesting information, and sometimes felt like the form was overwhelming for what they were getting out of it.

HYPOTHESIS: I believe that if we put some value behind a user giving us their information, like giving the user something in return, we will see a higher rate of conversion.

SOLUTION: A digital brochure was created and added to the site, and the request information page had its CTA changed to 'Request a digital brochure', we were seeing a higher rate of conversion from this so decided to test to see if the CTA's on the site being changed to request brochure would also help interaction with the form.

RESULTS:Conversion rate instantly increased by 12%

MY ROLE: I was tracking the results from the recent brochure being added to the site and the impact it was having on our conversion rate, so decided to test into this idea further by letting users know that we had this brochure even earlier in the user journey through the site. I decided it would be a good test to change the highest traffic CTA's on the site to say 'Request Brochure' rather than 'Request information' and worked with our testing partners to get this lined up and started.
Project Details